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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2 and counting....

So I suppose I need to continue on. I was wondering what would be next to talk about but really I think my mini miracles need some more credit. God has manifested  Himself in my life in so many ways so I just need to keep sharing. When I was leaving to take my kids to school this morning, one thing really stuck out in my head. This one was one of the craziest for me. Unfortunately I can't include all the details because of some of the circumstances that made this truly amazing, but I will do the best I can.
        When I was 17 I had a baby boy. I was a very very rebellious teenager and wanted everything to be my way which is exactly how I ended up pregnant. I had moved out of my dads house the previous year and my boyfriend and I bounced around between my moms and his moms. It was not a fun time. And if anybody that reads this is contemplating getting pregnant and you are young and not married with no job. DON'T DO IT! Ok just had to say that. 
         Moving on.. At the time my son was born we actually lived with my boyfriends mom. Her and I got along sometimes. She was very angry at the fact that her son and I had a baby and she voiced it  frequently. Now that I am older I TOTALLY understand. At 17, you don't understand anything. Well one day I was home and there was an incident. I can't disclose what but it was bad. I had to go to my boyfriends mom and my boyfriend and tell them what had happened. I in no way shape or form had done anything wrong, it was actually someone else's actions against me. Being that it was what it was, nobody believed me and I had to move out. That woman hated me, which being an adult I now understand.It's important for me to share that part because, you need to understand the situation between us all.
           My son lives in a different state with his dad so I usually only get to see him around holidays and summer. The occasional random weekend. You get the drift. Well His grandmother would go get him sometimes. And while he (Zackary) was in town he would always want to go to my moms house and hang out with my younger sister and play video games all night. Zackary's grandmother had her own business and sometimes she would come to our little town for business, so if Zack was with her, she would drop him off at my moms and pick him up later or I would take him home. She had never once been to my house though.
         Almost 10 yrs went by since I had actually saw her face, let alone spoke to her. The last time I saw her was on not so good terms so it didn't surprise me that there was never any interaction. 
          So, about 2 weeks after we got the house, we were of course broke because we had given all of our money to get it. Zack happened to come into to town and it was right before his birthday. It was a very unexpected visit. I didn't have a way to get him anything for his birthday really or have a party so I did what I knew how to do, I prayed. Saturday came and I had to work. While I was there, I got a phone call from my husband. He said "Um.... Zackary's grandma just stopped by here. She gave me an envelope for you". ....... What? Well, what is it? Was she alone? How did she even know where we lived? It's not anthrax is it?!?!   I got him to open it and inside the envelope was 2 hundred dollar bills! I had no clue what to say. I was absolutely beside my self. This woman, that I thought hated me and I had not seen in 10 years came by my house and dropped off money for me! My brain did not understand. It made no sense! 
           As soon as I got off work, I called her. I started to cry on the phone telling her how she had been my blessing because now I could give Zackary a birthday party! I just kept thanking her over and over. She was even crying.The conversation was short because it was a little awkward for the both of us. I thanked God! Again He had heard me and answered my prayer! 
           We had the birthday party and it was great! Another two weeks went by. It was actually the time period that I quit my job so I was home. There was a knock at the door. It was Pam (Zack's grandma). She said I just want you to have this. I would have given it to you all at once but I didn't have it". She handed me another envelope. I knew it was money but didn't know how much. I tried to give it back to her but she refused to take it. I followed her to her truck still trying to give it back. She was adamant that I was keeping it. I looked at her and said "Why Pam, I don't understand"... Her eyes filled with tears and she said "Laura, I had so many hard times in my life that were difficult because of not having enough money and people came through to me and provided me with things that I would not have been able to get if it wasn't for them. I'm in a position to help and God put it in my heart that you were going to need it." She said she knew I was no longer working. I had never told her that and it was so recent that not really anyone knew yet, but she knew. I hugged her and cried. (Because again, thats what I tend to do)
             Over the next few months, I saw her quite often. We actually had developed a friendship. Her husband was very sick and was in bed a lot so she actually got quite lonely. Zack's dad was her only child and since he lived so far away, she didn't really have anyone. God spoke to my heart one day and told me that He brought her to me because she was going to need me more than I needed what she had done for me  so I started taking a very active interest in her life. My husband and I started going over there to help her with yard work that her husband could no longer do. We all celebrated Thanksgiving together. I even went over there and put up her Christmas tree for her, which took like 5 hours because she literally had hundreds of tiny little ornaments. I called her often to check on her. We celebrated Christmas with her. I grew to love her so much. The first of January rolled around and for two weeks I tried to call her but no answer. At the end of January she finally called me. I asked her how things were and asked her how her husband was. She then told me that two weeks before, he had died. She said that she was dealing with it the best she could and just wasn't ready to talk about it. We didn't talk long. Over the next month I tried calling a couple times but I figured she needed space. I was kind of hurt because I missed her and loved her just like she was my mom. I was hurt because I couldn't help. I cried and was just asking God what I could do. As soon as I asked that question, I knew. The purpose that God had intended was accomplished. She needed someone to help get her through the end of her husbands life. Someone to lean on a little and keep her busy, some joy in that very difficult time. I was that person for her. I have only talked to her once since then and that was almost two years ago. I still miss her but I in some weird way understand that her not really talking to me is ok. I don't know why I understand, but I just do. God used me where He needed me. We needed each other actually.
            When I think about this time in my life, I realize all the things I learned. I learned that relationships with others are so important. I learned that God's plan is so huge and that sometimes it's better that we don't understand. I learned that there are so many things in life that are more valuable than any amount of money. I would have gladly given every bit of that money back to her and still done everything I had done because that relationship blessed us me too. I still think of her and pray for her. I call her sometimes and just leave a message letting her know she is on my mind and that I hope all is well. I don't know why this story was on my heart to share, but i'm sure He does. Please, if you like it, share it with someone else. Thank you for reading! God Bless!

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